Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Umm, what?

At my wife's 32 week check-up, I asked the doctor, "If my wife goes into labor early, at what point do you stop stopping it?"

His reply, "Anytime after 34 weeks, we'll let nature take it's course."

Which means that if my wife goes into labor in 11 days, we'll have a child in 11 or 12 days. That's less than two weeks away.

Umm, what?



  1. I had a dream about giving birth last night too. In the dream, I was all proud of myself (yet slightly bewildered) because I remembered some contractions and then *poof!* suddenly there's a baby! And I thought I had done it med free. But then, you told me that I had gotten an epi and I was sad. The end.

    (BTW, baby was healthy and pink and beautiful).

  2. What your Doctor failed to tell you is that a baby born before 37 weeks gestation is a preemie and could potentially have breathing issues among other things. So let's pray that your baby waits until at least 37 weeks to make her grand entrance.

    It drives me insane when I hear of a Doctor being so loose with their patient's care. Full term pregnancy doesn't happen until 40 weeks. At 34 weeks, baby still has 6 weeks to grow and for their lungs to mature. My Doctor had me on strict bed rest with my last pregnancy until I was 37 weeks because I went into preterm labor at 33 weeks. My best friend had her baby at 34 weeks 2 days and he was in the NICU for 40 days.

  3. Natalie, our doctor was much more in-depth about the whole thing. He's not being loose with my wife's care at all. I just didn't include everything he said, because the purpose of this post wasn't to talk about preemies or medical care... it's about the "Holy crap, we could have a kid much sooner than expected." aspect of the whole thing.

    Don't worry, we plan on taking this pregnancy to full term.

  4. And to further enhance the 'scare' factor, one of my cousins had her daughter very early at almost 6 months. She wasn't even a pound at birth, but she's now a very busy 5 year old.
