Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Last Sunday, the 17th, marked the 35/35 point of my beautiful wife's pregnancy.

She was 35 weeks pregnant, with 35 days left until her due date.

Today, the 20th, I think it finally dawned on me. For over two years, we've been trying for and waiting for this baby. Since the day I finally told my wife, "I'm ready," I've had this logical and intellectual knowledge of how life will change once Goose shows up. I know that I'm going to lose sleep. I know that it's going to be stressful. I know that babies cry. A lot.

I also know that I'm ready for it, and that I'm more than definitely up to the challenge.

Today, the 20th, I think it finally dawned on me. Today was the day that the knowledge of the future reached the depths of my emotional being. Today, I said to myself, "Holy @#&*, what the !@*# were we thinking?! We're not ready to bring a PERSON into this world! Pause!! Hold on a second!"

Thankfully, my little panic attack (accompanied by increased heart-rate, breathing and sweaty palms) only lasted about 30 seconds. I think it's out of my system.

Off to put the trim on her little hoodie, so she can be warm.



  1. One month from today! YIPPEE!!! (Because they always come on their due dates).
