Monday, November 15, 2010

The Final Countdown

It has been an extraordinarily long time coming.

It took us 18 months to knock her up, during which time we had visits with reproductive specialists, two or three different ob/gyns, a s**tload of tests, some drugs, and a lot of frustrated tears.

As of today, my wife is 39 weeks, 1 day into the human gestation process. We've been waiting to meet this little angel for over two years, and now that the doctor says "she's fully cooked in there, just needs a bit more basting," we're more than ready to throw her a welcome party.

We've had a "last hurrah" with my 11 year old, really hunkering down and enjoying the last time it will be just the three of us. We saw Megamind, had a night out on the town, worked all three of our asses off preparing the house, had a snowball fight, and just sat back to chill.

We haven't seen every single friend we have, but the ones we've been able to coordinate schedules with have been. A dinner, a puppy play-date, or whatever else, we've had a "last hurrah" with them, too, since we're soon to be the couple that has an infant.

Our parents and siblings have all gotten together with us, each one recognizing "this could be the last time" before Goose shows up.

Every time I call someone, they answer with bated breath, waiting eagerly for me to tell them we're on the way to the hospital and it's time to activate their part of the plan.

And here we sit, with practically nothing left to do to prepare, waiting with our hands folded neatly in our laps (or flailing about as I pace and exclaim loudly about "I want it now!").

We could have it now, I suppose... our doctor said he would electively induce at 39 weeks... but that feels a little like cheating, so we're not going that route. We're not against it if there's a medical reason for it, but right now there's no reason but our own impatience, and so it's off the table. Patience is a virtue... but I want it now.


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